ESIC Market


Editorial process

Step 1
Initial check.
When the editors receive an original, they assess the novelty, interest and timeliness of the proposal and they are in charge of carrying out a first review of the article and checking both that it is within the focus and scope of the journal and that it rigorously and fully complies with the publication standards. In addition, all papers will be examined using an anti-plagiarism system. Those articles that present a high level of coincidence that questions their originality may be rejected outright. Based on this first evaluation, three cases can occur:

a. The article meets all the editorial, thematic and formal criteria determined by the journal. It passes to the review process (Step 2).
b. The article does not meet any of the formal criteria, but meets the thematic criteria and is interesting in its content. The person who has sent the original is suggested to make the formal adjustments, for which he/she will have fifteen days to do so. If the changes are made and once the article meets the criteria determined by the journal, it goes on to the review process (Step 2).
c. The article does NOT meet the editorial, thematic and/or formal criteria. The article is returned to its authors and the submission is archived in the journal. The procedure is closed.

The Editorial Team shall carry out this initial check within a period not exceeding three weeks.

Step 2
Submission to peer review.
Once the initial check has been passed, the editors will anonymise the article and send it for external review to at least two independent reviewers who have no conflict of interest and are experts in the topic. Authors will be notified by email via OJS that their article has passed to the peer review stage within 48 hours of approval of the article. The invitation for peer review will be sent by the same means within a maximum period of one week from the notification to the authors.
Step 3
Double-blind peer review process. Deadlines

Important note: Throughout the process, reviewers and authors should ensure that they have activated change control or mark comments and/or corrections to the text of the article in a different colour to make it quicker and more efficient to follow up.

Acceptance of the review. Reviewers have a period of two weeks to accept the invitation to review.

Review of the original. Once the reviewers accept the evaluation of the original, they undertake to send the result of their evaluation within a maximum period of one month from their notification.

Notification of the editorial decision. ESIC Market will notify the authors of the result of the evaluation of their articles no later than two weeks after receiving the report from both reviewers.

Adjustments to the original. Authors will have 15 days or one month to make the changes suggested by the Editorial Board or the reviewers, depending on whether they are minor or major, respectively. Once the changes have been applied, the author will have to upload the corrected version of the article to OJS.

Checking the adjustments. In the case of minor modifications, the editor will check the modifications and verify that the requested adjustments have been resolved within one week. If not, they will be returned to the author again and the process will be repeated until all the required changes have been made or an unfavourable report is issued. In the latter case, the article will be rejected.

In the case of profound modifications, the same evaluators will check the requested modifications or corrections and verify that the requested adjustments have been resolved within a maximum period of 15 days. If this is not the case, the process will be repeated until all the required changes have been made or an unfavourable report is issued. In the latter case, the article will be rejected.

Final editorial decision. Once the process of modifications has been completed and within 72 hours, the authors will receive an email notification via OJS with the final decision of the Editorial Board, which may be that the article is accepted and moves on to the next phase of style corrections (Step 4) or rejected.

Step 4
Spelling and typographical corrections
Important note: Throughout the process, authors should ensure that they have activated change control or mark comments and/or corrections to the text of the article in a different colour to make it quicker and more efficient to follow up.
The team of proofreaders receives the articles approved for publication. Once the pertinent orthotypographical checks have been carried out within a period of no more than one month, the corrections will be sent to the authors for correction, who have a maximum of ten calendar days to accept the corrections. Only corrections to corrections will be accepted, not new contributions. This phase of the process will be repeated a maximun of two times for all linguistic adjustments to be completed.
Step 5
Layout and galleys.
The layout managers receives the articles approved for publication. They make the layout and send the proofs/galley proofs to the author for review within a maximum period of one month. The author has a maximum of 7 calendar days to submit the review. If necessary, there will be a maximum of two rounds of galley proof review to obtain the authors' approval.
The indications of correction of galleys will be indicated on the draft of the article (document in pdf). Errata should be marked with colored shading or incorporating comments (notes). For this, pdf editing software such as Adobe Writer, Adobe Professional or similar can be used. If these programs are not available, the pdf must be printed, and the errors corrected with very clear letters, indicating precisely where they are located, scan the text, and send in pdf in a single optimized document (whose weight does not exceed 5 Mb).
Step 6
Once the galleys have been corrected, the Editorial Board reserves the right to publish positively evaluated articles in the number of the Journal that it deems most convenient based on the following criteria:
- Relevance of the article depending on the theme of the issue / monograph.
- Number of articles previously scheduled for a specific number.
- The maximum time for the publication of an approved article will not exceed 9 months from the issuance of the favorable publication report.
Said decision will be notified to the author by email via OJS.
In order to facilitate their dissemination, articles may be published in a "pre-print" version. Likewise, authors are encouraged to share it on as many open dissemination platforms or personal spaces (web pages, social networks...) as they consider appropriate, to maximize the dissemination and knowledge of its publication.
Note: For the purposes of all the deadlines mentioned here, the month of August is considered non-business.