ESIC Market


Editorial process

Step 1
Initial check.
When ESIC Market receives an original paper to be published, the EiC (where applicable, the SI Editor or Guest Editors) will assess the novelty, interest and timeliness of the proposal, carrying out a first review of the article and checking if the paper is within the focus and scope of the journal and if it rigorously and fully complies with its publication standards. If the paper does not meet the minimum requirements to follow the peer review process, the paper will be immediately desk rejected. Otherwise, the paper will be checked for plagiarism or misuse of AI, so that those articles that call into question their originality will also be desk rejected outright.

This initial check will last a maximum of three weeks and can conclude in three different ways:

a. The article meets all the editorial, thematic and formal criteria determined by ESIC Market. It passes to the peer review process (Step 2).

b. The article does not meet any of the formal criteria, but meets the thematic criteria and is interesting in its content. The authors are suggested to make the formal adjustments within the following three weeks. If the changes are made and the article meets the formal criteria determined by ESIC Market, it goes on to the peer review process (Step 2).

c. The article does not meet the editorial, thematic and/or formal criteria determined by ESIC Market. The article is returned to the authors and the submission is archived in the journal. The procedure is closed.

Step 2
Submission to double blind peer review.
Once the initial check has been passed, the paper will be sent for external review to at least two independent reviewers who are experts in the topic and have no conflicts of interest of any kind. The authors will be notified that their paper has started the peer review process through the platform within the following two days. The invitation for peer review will be also sent through the platform within a maximum period of one week from the notification to the authors.
Step 3
Double-blind peer review process.
Acceptance of the review. The reviewers have a period of ten days to accept the invitation to review. Some reminders can be sent to reviewers at this step.
Review of the original. Once the reviewers accept the evaluation of the original, they undertake to send the result of their evaluation within a maximum of one month from their acceptance to review a paper.
Authors will be notified through the platform that their paper is undergoing double-blind peer review process.
Authors will also receive through the platform and within the indicated period the reviewers' comments and suggestions on their paper.
The authors have a maximum of one month to make the changes suggested by the reviewers . Once the changes have been made, the authors have to upload the corrected version of the article to the platform. The authors should ensure that they have track changes enabled or mark comments and/or corrections in the article in a different color to make tracking faster and more efficient throughout the review process. The authors must also include an inform including explanations of the changes made on the paper according to the reviewers’ comments and suggestions.
Rounds of review. The process will be repeated until the authors have made all the required changes suggested by the reviewers, or, if applicable, until an unfavorable report is issued indicating the paper must be rejected at this step.
Notification of the editorial decisions. During the review process, authors will be notified of the outcome of their article's evaluation in each round within two weeks of receiving the reports from all reviewers.
Final editorial decision. Once the review process of the paper by the reviewers is complete, the authors will receive within three days an email notification with the final decision about the acceptance or rejection of their paper. If the paper is accepted, it moves to Step 4.
The EiC (where applicable, the SI Editor or Guest Editors) will monitor the entire review process, so that if at any stage of the review process any contradiction, inconsistency or lack of adjustment to the formal or academic requirements of ESIC Market is detected, decisions will be taken aimed at safeguarding the name, quality and reputation of the journal.
Authors’ requirements. If the final decision is the acceptance of the paper, the authors are obliged to upload a final version of the paper that perfectly meets the formal requirements of ESIC Market. The authors are also required to use a professional and recognized proofreading service to guarantee a perfect high level of academic English which provides them with an official certificate. This final version of the paper must be submitted within one month from its acceptance.
Step 4
Spelling and typographical corrections
At this point, the team of proofreaders of ESIC Market will carry out the pertinent orthotypographical checks within a maximum of one month . Then, the corrections will be sent to the authors, who will have a maximum of  ten days to accept or propose  modifications to them. Only corrections to the orthotypograhphycal checks will be accepted at this step, and never new contributions to the paper.
This phase of the process will be repeated a maximun of two times to complete all linguistic adjustments.
Step 5
Layout and galleys.
The ESIC Market editing team will create the layout and send the proofs/galleys to the author for review within a maximum of one month. The author will have a maximum of ten days to submit the review. If necessary, a maximum of two rounds of galley review will be carried out to obtain the authors' approval.
The galley correction instructions will be indicated in the draft of the article (pdf document). Errata should be marked with colour shading or by incorporating comments (notes). For this purpose, it can be used PDF editing software. If this software is not available for the authors, they can also print the PDF and correct the errors in very clear letters (indicating precisely where they are located), scan the text and send it in PDF in a single optimized document (with a weight of no more than 5 Mb).
Step 6
Once the galleys have been corrected, the article will be published in an issue of ESIC Market based on the following criteria: 
- Relevance of the article based on the study topic and its relationship with other papers pending publication.  
- Number of articles previously scheduled for a specific issue. 
In any case, the paper will be published as soon as possible and always within nine months following the issuance of the favorable publication report.  
One author may publish only one paper per year in ESIC Market, regardless of whether he/she may have more than one paper submitted to the journal at different steps of the review process.
In order to facilitate their dissemination, the articles may be published in a ‘pre-print’ version. Likewise, authors are encouraged to share them on as many open dissemination platforms or personal spaces (web pages, social networks, etc.) as they consider appropriate, to maximize the dissemination and knowledge of their publication.